Alcohol and Substance Misuse


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Local Services



ARCH is a free and confidential service for young people and adults who live or are registered with a GP in Hillingdon

Work with people at any stage of their alcohol or drug difficulties to provide a single point of access to assessment and treatment

Visit the ARCH website

Build on Belief (BoB)

This service is a part of the ARCH treatment system, it operates from Old Bank House on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday except for Saturday, where instead they are based at the Hayes Methodist Church. 

BoB provide a wide range of activities/workshops - please follow the link to see the activities timetable.

Also offer advice, information and support on both recovery initiatives and structured support, as well as access to a Needle exchange at Old Bank House.

Visit the Bob website


National Services 


Turning Point

Every 30 minutes someone leaves Turning Point's services drink or drugs free. Turning Point offer you or a loved one a range of services depending on what you need, from detox and residential rehab to supported living and aftercare support.

Visit the Turning Point website

Drug FAM

A lifeline of safe, caring and professional support to families, friends and partners who are struggling to cope with the nightmare of a loved one’s addiction to drugs or alcohol and to those who have been bereaved by addiction or related causes.

Tel: 0300 888 3853

Visit the Drug FAM Website